Welcome to TravelSafely! We’re excited that you are deciding to join our network of motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and smart cities in our community of safety conscious individuals whose greatest aim is to save lives and improve traffic. No matter what your mode of transport, navigating your route safely requires you to avoid distractions, think quickly and defensively. TravelSafely is not intended to substitute each individual’s responsibility to make sound judgements while driving, cycling or walking but simply to add a layer of awareness and safety.
By clicking “Accept” you confirm that you have read and agree to all included terms. The use of the TravelSafely application is subject to the terms of this agreement and indicates your consent and intention to abide by these terms.
YOUR AGE. To use the TravelSafely application you must (1) be of legal age to hold a driver’s license and, (2) have the power to enter into a binding contract with us and not be barred from doing so under any applicable laws. You also acknowledge that any registration information submitted to TravelSafely is true, accurate, and complete.
ROAD SIGNS PREVAIL. TravelSafely is not intended to replace the information provided on the road, such as travel direction, time based restrictions, lane restrictions, road blockades, traffic signs, traffic lights, speed signs, police instructions, etc.
ATTENTIVE AND CAUTIOUS DRIVING. Avoid distractions and make the necessary adjustments to drive according to road conditions and in accordance with traffic laws. Do not adjust settings on or report issues with TravelSafely while driving. You should only report issues/errors after you have stopped your vehicle in an appropriate location permitted by law. A passenger other than the driver can report issues or errors, provided it does not serve as a distraction or divert the driver’s attention from the road.
RIGHTS WE GRANT TO YOU. TravelSafely and its contents are the property of Applied Information, Inc. We grant you a non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, royalty-free license to use the TravelSafely application and content. This license shall remain in effect until and unless terminated by you or Applied Information, Inc. You promise and agree that you are using the application and content for your own personal, non-commercial use.
The TravelSafely application and content are licensed, not sold to you and Applied Information, Inc. retains ownership of all copies of the TravelSafely software application and content even after installation on your devices.
All TravelSafely trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, domain names, and any other features of the TravelSafely brand are the sole property of Applied Information, Inc.
You agree to abide by our user guidelines and to not use the TravelSafely application and content or any part thereof in any manner not expressly permitted in this agreement. Applied Information, Inc. grants no right, title, or interest to you in the TravelSafely application or content.
THIRD PARTY APPLICATIONS. The TravelSafely service is integrated with third party applications, websites, and services (“Third Party Applications”). These Third-Party Applications may have their own terms and conditions of use and privacy policies and your use of these Third-Party Applications will be governed by and subject to such terms and conditions and privacy policies. You understand and agree that Applied Information, Inc. does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for the behavior, features, or content of any Third-Party Application or for any transaction you may enter into with the provider of any such Third-Party Applications.
DATA USAGE. The Internet connection required to use TravelSafely is your responsibility and made solely at your expense. You are responsible for any associated charges (e.g. mobile data expenses) incurred by your data usage while transmitting and receiving real-time updates to and from TravelSafely. TravelSafely requires an online (e.g. Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G) connection between your cellular device and the Internet. The expenses for your service and data usage are as prescribed by the agreement between you and your communication service provider (cellular company), and according to its terms of payment.
INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE. You agree that neither the wireless service carrier nor the Infrastructure Owner Operator (IOO) will be responsible for any interruptions of the service, suspensions or terminations of the service, or the inability to use the service at any time. You waive any and all claims against the underlying wireless service carrier, including any roaming carrier, and the IOO, for any such interruption, suspension, or termination.
You acknowledge that neither the wireless service carrier nor the IOO can guarantee the security of wireless transmissions and will not be liable for any lack of security relating to the use of the service.
Neither the wireless service carrier nor the IOO shall be liable for the failure or incompatibility of any devices utilized by the IOO or the end user in connection with the service or changes in the network that may impact the service the end user receives. You will use such devices and the service at your own risk.
You shall indemnify, defend, and hold the wireless service carrier, the IOO, and the officers, employees, and agents of each of them harmless from and against all claims, causes of action, losses, expenses, liability, or damages (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs), including without limitation for any personal injury or death, arising from or relating in any way to the end user’s use, failure to use, or inability to use the service. This provision will survive the termination of the end user agreement.
PRIVACY. Your privacy is a priority to us. While using TravelSafely, no personal information is collected by TravelSafely outside of your registration email. When you first install the application on your mobile device, TravelSafely will set up an account associated with that mobile device. TravelSafely will collect and use your account information whenever you activate the application on that mobile device. Once activated, all data collected, used and stored by TravelSafely is anonymized and is not linked to your account.
Your account will be visible only to TravelSafely and used to provide you with support and handle requests and complaints, to send you updates, notices, announcements, and additional information related to the services, to conduct surveys and questionnaires, to enforce the Terms and Conditions of Use and to contact you when TravelSafely believes it to be necessary.
DATA SHARING. TravelSafely may from time to time provide anonymized data to third parties for analysis. No personal information is shared with third parties.
MODIFICATIONS TO APPLICATION. Applied Information, Inc. may, either partially or in its entirety and without being obligated to provide prior notice, modify, adapt, or change the software, features, user interface and design, the extent and availability of content, and any other aspects related to the application. You will have no claim, complaint, or demand against Applied Information, Inc. for applying such changes or for failures incidental to such changes.
TERMINATION OF SERVICE. You may terminate and/or uninstall TravelSafely at will and for whatever reason. However, if you would also like to delete your TravelSafely account and all personal information assigned to it, please use the “Delete Account” function in the application. Once your request is received, TravelSafely will use reasonable efforts to delete your information but please note that your information may be retained on our back-up systems for a limited time.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND WARRANTY. TravelSafely is offered for free with the intent that you will utilize it as an added layer of safety to create safer communities to drive, cycle and walk. As a subsequent benefit, TravelSafely also intends to improve traffic. However, Applied Information, Inc., its employees, directors, shareholders, advisors or anyone on its behalf shall not be liable to you or any third party for any reason whatsoever, as a result of your use of the TravelSafely application. Your acknowledgement of this agreement irrevocably releases all of the aforementioned from liability of any kind, for any consequence as a result of use of TravelSafely, including loss, loss of profit, damage to reputation, fee expense or damage, direct, indirect, financial or non-financial.
By clicking “Accept” during registration in the TravelSafely app you confirm that you have read and agree to all included terms. The use of the TravelSafely application is subject to the terms of this agreement and indicates your consent and intention to abide by these terms.
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